Sweet Hour of Prayer

"Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered."  Romans 8:26 

It's early, so early that it's still dark.  No one else is up yet and it's quiet.  The demands of the day have not presented themselves yet. I make my way to my favorite place in the whole house, my love seat.  To most it's just a place to sit, but to me it's where I meet with God.  It is here that I type now, it is here that I pour my heart out to Him, where I share joys with Him, where I give Him praises due, and mention countless needs of others, and of course my own as well.  It's where I have coffee and a conversation with God.  

I didn't always like to pray, and to be honest there are still days that I choose sleep over getting up and meeting with God.  Our Pastor has said before that given the chance we will always choose desires of the flesh over God if left to ourselves, that's why it's so important to have the Spirit working in our lives.  Likewise with reading the Bible, when reading the Bible comes to my mind, I suddenly realize there's a thousand other things I could do...(there's those excuses again), those excuses seem to hind themselves when my favorite TV show is on.  

Am I saying I love meeting with God every morning now?  No, (at least not always).  It takes discipline.  But I often wonder what treasures and blessings I miss from God's Word on the days I choose to skip my time with God.  However, I am eternally grateful that my salvation isn't about how I "feel" or how often I meet with God---it is a state of being, (a fact), that cannot be taken away or earned, praise God!  But, if I want that relationship to grow, there are things I must do.

What about the days you don't have anything to say?  When the words won't come, because the pain is so deep...what then? 

That's when this Scripture comes to life.  God is concerned about our trials, about our struggles, about those moments that take the air right out of us.  Think of how Jesus ministered while He was on earth, He was is constant concern of how sin was effecting people's lives.  The Scriptures tell us He was compassionate.  He groaned for us, as the Spirit groans for us now.  The Spirit also prays for us so that we might be led into the will of God.  The Spirit shares our burden.  What a cool thought!  When you feel like you don't have a friend in the world because none of them showed up at your pity party, remember the Spirit is there with you, He is your comforter.  God did not leave us, and He never will! 

Some of my most treasured moments with God are me just sitting on this couch sobbing.  He can turn those tears into an offering of praise for Him.  That's the God I serve!  He can take my pain, and my mess--look at it and say Oh I can use that, I will use that to make her better, and bring glory unto myself.  Awesome.  

Do my prayers always get answered the way I want?  Of course not, in fact I'm not sure God even pays a bit of attention to the suggestions I make for Him.  But He is God, and He knows best.  (that's easy to type--hard to live) 

How is your relationship with God?  

How is your prayer life? 

The two questions are connected you know.  

I don't know what you're going through right now.  I don't know your struggles.  But He does.  He has sent His Holy Spirit to comfort you, so if you don't know what to say--that's ok.  Be silent before Him, allow His love to flood your heart and take comfort in knowing that you are not on your own in this life.  


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