
Prayer changes things.

Lately I've been trying to get some of the noise out of my life.  Minimizing, simplifying, quieting my heart for the things of God.  It's difficult.  

This morning my alarm went off and even though I so desperately wanted to roll back over and sleep 9 more minutes---God tugged at my heart to get up and spend some time with Him.  Oh I spend time with Him in church, I read and study, and teach and serve---but this was one on one time.  It was time for coffee with God.

My heart has been heavy lately for a lot of people.  People without jobs, people without family, people without much hope for better days.  And I need to carry those burdens to my Savior.  I don't have all the answers--but I know the One who does.  

There was just one problem.  

There was no noise it was quiet, so quiet I could hear my heart pound--but as I approached the throne with my words of intercession, God made me very aware of something--I didn't really believe He was going to answer those prayers.  

The tone of my voice was almost defeated.  Praying more out of obligation on one's behalf than real heart felt devotion.  Worrying more about when my prayer time would be over so I could get on with my day.  I was ashamed.  My heart's echo of conviction was from the very One who has saved my soul and promised me eternity.  He deserves the utmost praise, complete adoration, and often just gets what I have leftover.  

In those early moments this morning....I didn't do a lot of talking, I did a lot of listening.  

Prayer changes things.  

God reminded me that the same power that was used to raise Jesus Christ from the dead is the power residing in me because of the promised Holy Spirit.  He reminded me that He loves me.  That He wants what's best for me.  That He wants to change me.  

How dare I approach His throne without the confidence that He can answer my prayers.  How dare I call upon His name as a last resort.  How dare I take Him for granted.  

Prayer changes people

And today--it changed me.  


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