Focused on Garbage

Confession?  I sweat the small stuff.  There, I said it.  I do.  I sweat the small stuff.  

Need an example?  The trash can was overflowing this morning and I cried.  Now, before you stop reading and think that I have completely lost my mind--stay with me, because I bet some of you can relate.  

You see, in my 29 years of life I have certainly had my share of curveballs thrown at me.  Who hasn't right?  It's not a new story to have a past or to have troubles.  It happens, it makes  you who you are and if you don't crumble it makes you stronger.  I get that.  I can deal with that.  

But that ladies and gentlemen is not my problem. 

No, not me.  I get stressed out over little stupid things that have absolutely no eternal value.  Or to be perfectly honest no real earthly value either.  Like the trash can, and people not saying thank you, and people being late, and people rolling their eyes at me, or not listening to me, or assuming things of me, basically when my expectations are not met several times in a row; it piles up like that stupid trash can and I cry.  I know, it's ridiculous.  But right now you are either shaking your head in agreement or have absolutely no idea what is wrong with me. 

Am I? 
Hormonal...most definitely 
Focusing on the wrong person...ABSOLUTELY 

Ouch.  It really hurts when I discover and then admit my own flaws.  It's not my favorite thing to do--and it's even harder to overcome.  

I love this verse from Paul:

"Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ."

Now, it's remarkable for someone to be able to pen these words--but Paul also lived them.  He didn't walk around quoting scripture like we do--expecting others to live by them when we in fact haven't ourselves--he lived these words!!  

I am amazed that these words came from a prisoner.  A prisoner who had been beaten, lied about, accused, and left for dead.  At least he could take comfort in the churches he ministered to right?  Hardly.  They became power hungry, and Paul had every reason to crumble under the pressure. Pressure we never would have been able to handle.  But he didn't.  Why?  


He knew Christ.  But not just book knowledge.  That can't possibly be it, because he knew all about Christ when he set out to persecute His followers---no this was more than book knowledge.  This was a relationship that radically changed his life--forever.  

He lost his religion and his reputation--and it was all worth it because of Who he gained. 

We have no idea what those who went before us had to suffer to pave the way for us.  And all we can do is complain about petty things.  

And  I am guilty. 

I don't want to belittle anyone's problems, I know life is hard.  But our problems?  They pale in comparison to the light of His glory and Paul knew that.  Christ is sufficient and God loves us.  

He loves us even when we cry over the small stuff, or when we blow it on the big stuff.  He loves us.  

Does He love us because of our kindness, and goodness?  No--He loves us because of His kindness and goodness.  

It's almost embarrassing what we allow to steal our joy isn't it? 

My point is, from time to time we lose our focus---opening up the door of disappointment. 

So, let's praise Him.  Let's drink deeply of His living water and find strength for a new day. 


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