God's Grace

"At first I didn't think of it as a gift, and begged God to remove it. Three times I did that, and then He told me, My grace is enough; it's all you need. My strength comes into its own in your weakness. Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift. It was a case of Christ's strength moving in on my weakness.  Now I take limitations in stride, and with good cheer, these limitations that cut me down to size - abuse, accidents, opposition, bad breaks. I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become."   2 Corinthians 12:8-10

What is grace?  

It is God's provision for our every need when we need it, that of course implies that God knows when we need it.  

There is never a shortage of grace.  I love how the above version says "My grace is enough; it's all you need."  Other versions use the word sufficient.  If God's grace is sufficient (or enough) to save me, you would sure think it would be sufficient (or enough) to strengthen me in my daily troubles, and struggles.  You would think so wouldn't you?  So....why sometimes does it feel like it's not?  Or, like somehow He forgot to give me my grace for the moment?

That's why I love this passage from Paul so much.  His struggles were much different and life-threatening than mine, but the same principle applies--God permits us to become weak, so that we can receive His strength.  That's the only way we'll will allow Him to.  

I depend on God's grace for my salvation because I know I can't save myself.  But, when I have a daily trouble/struggle--I can kind of fluff my way through it for awhile, (or perhaps even solve it temporarily) without even saying a word to God.  But when I'm weak?  Oh, when I'm weak--I need His grace, I need His strength, and I'm once again put in my proper place.  

My Made to Crave Spiritual Journey?  Turns out this last week I was Made to Cave.  Oh it started innocently.  All the excuses came flooding in, one stressful day followed another, and I was strong.  Then the old pity party showed up.  Life wasn't fair and I deserved a brownie....or two, pretty soon those seven pounds that I lost because of my discipline dwindled down to only two pounds lost..and then shame gripped my heart.  Stupid.  

Now, there's nothing wrong with some simple indulgences in life from time to time, or a piece of birthday cake, (as long as it's actually someone's birthday) but I went to that brownie, (and various other high fructose corn syrup products) for comfort........"my grace is enough, it's all you need." God is sufficient.  

My moment(s) of weakness put me back in my place.  God is to be on the throne, not me.  He is Holy, I am not.  And His grace is enough, it's all I need.  

God says He's enough.  We don't need an explanation for that.  We don't live on explanations, we live on promises--His promises.  Our feelings change, but God's promises never do.  

Paul had learned to claim that promise.  He drew on God's grace that was given to him, and God turned His world upside down.  He didn't take his afflictions away, but soon Paul realized the blessing that they were in his life!  

God's grace allows us to rise above our circumstances and to accomplish something wonderful because of Him & for Him.  

Struggles with food are so small in comparison to some of the things that I have had to battle in life, (an abusive home, losing my mother, being in debt) but it is most certainly a battle that we are faced with everyday.  If I can start making wise choices in the small areas of my life, I believe it will become a beneficial habit.  

I hope my honesty in all of this encourages someone to realize that God's grace is sufficient.  He is all we need and I pray that someday He is all I want too.  That my heart would be so yielded to Him, that He would be all that I crave.  Day by day.  

It's gonna be beautiful again tomorrow morning, I think it's time for a run!  


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